Woodland Savanna currently has...
Twelve properties in 5 counties.
From 1 acre to over 90!
Lake County:
Porter County
LaPorte County:
St. Joseph County:
Jasper County:
From 1 acre to over 90!
Lake County:
Porter County
- Freda Scales Salt Creek Wetland 2 acres
- Geiselman Island at Long Lake 12 acres
- Cherry Hill Preserve 90 acres
- Moraine Ridge Conservation Easement 20 acres
- County Line Road 1+ acre (4 city lots)
- Robin Dale Bartholomew Wildlife Area 9 acres
LaPorte County:
- Marne Woods Preserve 7 acres
St. Joseph County:
- Harry and Evelyn Emerick Preserve 19 acres
Jasper County: